By Deanne Barnes on Friday, 03 July 2020
Category: Newsletter

Everyday Mindfulness at Work

Whether you're working from home or back in the office, here are some activities that you can do to develop your mindfulness practice.

1. Do one thing well. Multi-tasking might sound high-powered but studies show that it's ineffective. Switching gears repeatedly from one task to another trip up the brain and inhibits focus on any one of them. Focussing on one task at a time generally improves your productivity and accuracy.

2. Make time during the workday to be "present". Chances are, you already do this and don't even realise it. Remember all those times you have been concentrating hard on a work-related task and not heard your mobile ring? That was you being mindful and present in your moment - with purpose and without judgment.

3. Choose to start your day purposefully rather than letting the day start you. Once you have sat down at your desk, spend a few minutes noticing your breath and concentrating on its flow - with your eyes closed.

4. Be present when interacting with a colleague in a meeting. This may mean allowing yourself to focus fully on the message of your colleague and not getting distracted by other sounds in the room or at home.

5. Walk between meetings /clients. Don't do emails or texts. Whether you're at home or your workplace, feel your feet on the floor and the air on your skin. Try to get outside if possible.

6. Start and end the workday by "returning to the breath". Spend 10 minutes focusing on breathing is a great way to centre yourself for the day ahead or to draw the day to a close.

7. Place a few small sticky notes on your computer, phone, or desk. Every time you see the notes, use them as a reminder to pause and bring your awareness back into the present moment.