How to develop and increase empathy to create an inclusive workplace

Published in Human Resources Director New Zealand on 30th March, 2019.

Many people believe empathy is something reserved for home and family life, but the reality is it’s vital in business too, according to Marcela Slepica, Clinical Director at AccessEAP. Empathetic leaders often display increased emotional intelligence and are better at creating a more inclusive workplace.

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April Public Holiday Hours

With the Easter Long Weekend (Friday 19th until Monday 22nd) coming up, followed by Anzac Day on Thursday the 25th, there are a lot of April Public Holidays.

Please be assured our counselling and onsite services are available 24/7, 365 days a year however our other business functions observe the Australian National public holidays.

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Building Resilience

Resilience refers to the process of adapting while facing adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or other sources of stress. Resilience is not a trait people are born with, rather it involves behaviours, thoughts and actions which can be learned and enhanced.

10 Tips for Resilience:

1. Make and maintain connections

2. Remember that some things are beyond your control

3. Accept change is a part of life

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Parent Resources

We understand that work and family challenges impact each other. Here are some resources to help navigate the ever changing landscapes of parenthood.

iParent- Where you can learn about the digital environment and how to help your child have safe and enjoyable online experiences.

Reachout- Helping parents support their teenagers through everyday issues and tough times.

AccessEAP offers a Supporting Working Parents Workshop specifically designed to assist participants to address the challenges and benefits of being a working parent, understand the impact of high stress levels on parenting and to identify practical strategies and skills to manage these competing roles. The workshop can be organised by contacting your Relationship Manager and is ideal for up to 15 participants.

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Stress Busters- Your April Wellbeing Topic!

It’s time to get on top of this stress! Learn awareness around key stressors and identify possible coping mechanisms to improve general wellbeing and functioning. Build resilience as a way to manage stress in the workplace.

Below are AccessEAP’s top ten tips for handling stress. More tips and articles to follow in the April edition of the AccessEAP In Focus Newsletter.

For more information or assistance, contact AccessEAP on 1800 818 728. AccessEAP can assist when personal, family or work related concerns are impacting on your health or quality of life and also when you need guidance on professional or personal goals or effective communication skills.


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Tips to Save Time

We've put together a list of some ways to save time in our everyday lives. Not all will suit everyone but you may find one or two that can make a difference!

1. Don’t procrastinate when it comes to tasks that can be done in under 5 minutes, just get up and do it.

2. Make important decisions early in the day when you are fresh rather than trying to do this at the end of the day.

3. Play an up tempo playlist to get you moving and up the pace. It can reduce boredom and add some fun.

4. Keep distractions at bay – if you need to focus on a task turn off your sound notifications and put your phone out of sight.

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Psychologist/Social Worker - Sydney based


- Intake/Triage focus

- Apply and Further Develop your Skills

- Make a Difference Everyday

At AccessEAP our mission is to create thriving workplaces. We partner with each customer to promote, positive organisational behaviour, enhance employee well-being, improve workplace productivity  and effectively manage the mental health of every employee. As an Australian owned not for profit Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider, our emphasis is on understanding the unique needs of our customers and tailoring our services to support and prevent mental health issues in the workplace. Due to continued growth we are expanding the clinical services team and seeking  a passionate and committed professional  to help achieve our goals and continue our ambitious journey.

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Organisation Development Practitioner - Melbourne based

  • Apply your EAP and OD skills
  • Help make a difference every day
  • Strong team environment

At AccessEAP our mission is to create thriving workplaces. We partner with each customer to promote, positive organisational behaviour, enhance employee wellbeing, improve workplace productivity  and effectively manage the mental health of every employee. As an Australian owned not for profit Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider, our emphasis is on understanding the unique needs of our customers and tailoring our services to support and prevent mental health issues in the workplace. Due to continued growth and an expanding service offering we need to  recruit a passionate and consultative Organisation Development practitioner to help achieve our goals and continue our ambitious journey.

Your role will be to develop strong relationships with key customers to understand their needs and work on tailored solutions to solve specific or complex people issues. You will provide clinical information and support to the customer experience teamand provide a range of clinical services including: conflict management, training, manager support, and organisational consultancy.

With a degree in clinical or organisational psychology your track record of success will be matched by your desire to make a genuine difference and your ability to engage with a broad range of Managers and Executives. Your key strengths will include your influencing, negotiation and planning and organisation skills. Most importantly you will enjoy working in a team environment that is driven by respect, collaboration  and accomplishment and where expressing your ideas and opinions is truly valued

For more information call David Williams on 0414 551 795 or to apply send your resume to

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Support for customers impacted by the tragic events in Christchurch

Traumatic events such as the mass shootings in Christchurch disrupt lives physically and psychologically, creating intense emotional distress for individuals, families and whole communities. Organisations play a vital and valuable role in assisting and supporting their employees and their families in the immediate aftermath and in the days, weeks and months following this tragic event.

The immediate focus is to ensure that your employees and their loved ones are safe. At this present time, particularly with intense media coverage and access to information on the internet, it’s important to acknowledge that this is a heightened state of emotion for everyone involved. It’s important to be aware that everyone will respond differently and everyone’s needs will be different, initially and over time.  Being prepared to provide initial and long term support for people will enhance and promote their own personal coping strategies and resilience.

What your people will need right now is (download pdf version here):

  • If needed, allow additional time at home to spend time with family and friends - this helps them to feel safe and connected, and reassure others of their safety
  • Make sure your employees or students have access to support information and numbers - specifically the EAP and any other services you may have in place.
  • Give people assurance that affected families will be supported in some form or another.

The people of Christchurch have recently experienced and lived through the trauma of the earthquake. Many people are still dealing with the aftermath. This tragedy will have the potential to re-trigger feelings of trauma and loss and memories will surface. Over the coming weeks, it is important to reassure, support and connect with each other. Patience is required as everyone will feel and respond differently. People will need time, to acknowledge their responses and to process.

Over the coming days, and in time, what your people will need is for you to provide simple and accurate information on how to access services, specifically encourage, and make it easy for, employees/students to speak with a professional counsellor. Most people will not want to speak to a counsellor in the initial days or weeks as they support each other. It is in the longer term when people need support from a counsellor or their Employee Assistance Program.

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Business Development Manager - Sydney based

- Market Leader enjoying significant growth

- Make a difference every day

- Strong team environment

At AccessEAP our mission is to create thriving workplaces. We partner with businesses to promote positive organisational behaviour, enhance employee wellbeing, improve workplace productivity and effectively manage the mental health of every employee. An Australian owned profit-for-purpose Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider, our emphasis is on understanding the unique needs of our customers and tailoring our services to support organisations engage and manage their human capital to its full potential. We live by our values and put ‘People in Focus’. Our surplus profits are distributed to our community programs to support vulnerable children and families.

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Celebrating Harmony

Harmony Day is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values. Held every year on 21 March. The Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

For more information, please check out the Harmony Day Website which has so many resources for you to host your very own event.

At AccessEAP we hold a Harmony Day Lunch where everyone brings a dish and shares the background behind it. It is such a wonderful opportunity to learn something new about your colleagues and of course try some amazing food!

Don't forgot to check out our Tips on Managing Diversity.


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AccessEAP Case Study: The Bourke Street Incident - Risk, Response and Recovery

It’s just before 1.45pm on Friday 20th January, 2017. Lunches are still being enjoyed as school holidays bring extra children to the city on what is a pretty normal work day in Melbourne CBD. The city is the workplace of some 387 000 people, 15 000 businesses. It’s pretty typical for 177 000 visitors from nearby suburbs and another 80 000 visitors from interstate and overseas to swell the streets of this buzzing city. In an instant it all changes from the familiar hustle bustle of a pedestrian shopping mall to the mayhem caused when people know they are in danger but can’t quite understand why. Just a short while later, five people are dead, another fatally injured – two of those lost are young children. Thirty one people are hospitalised and countless others will bear the scars of the trauma for some time to come.

This tragedy happened to shoppers, visitors, and workers. It happened right outside the workplaces of many retail workers, some were not allowed to leave their workplaces due to emergency services processes and police investigations. Frontline managers had to react and in-act the procedures they had in place to handle a crisis such as this. People were suffering, albeit in different ways, and they needed help.
Unfortunately these incidents are becoming a more common occurrence in our lives and will inevitably affect the people organisations and leaders are responsible for in our organisations. Most leaders take this responsibility very seriously and put measures in place to look after employees should a crisis occur and reduce the associated risks for the business such as having a Critical Incident Management Plan (CIMP), Training key employees/leaders in Critical Incident Management and a Business Continuity Plan (BCP).

In this particular incident the first responders were the public and then emergency services. AccessEAP received a large number of calls from our customers in and around the Bourke Street Mall. We initiated Critical Incident Response and Management processes to deploy counsellors to help workers onsite and over the phone. A few of our customers were right in the centre of the incident and their internal processes in responding to the incident meant that AccessEAP were able to fully support the employees and provide onsite mental health first aid within half an hour of the request for assistance.

Robust Risk Management is essential for business leaders and ensuring the risks are identified, managed and mitigated where possible is essential. In regard to critical incidents having a well thought out CIMP or BCP, including managing for a situation where there is a lock down, i.e. inaccessibility due to emergency services closures, is the first step to manage the risk associated with a critical incident. Secondly, the timely provision of support makes a great difference to the long term outcomes for the individuals affected. Support and education are essential to managing the risk associated with critical incidents. Unfortunately given the unpredictability of these incidents we cannot transfer or mitigate the total risk. We can however plan and manage through a crisis. Here are some quick thoughts to assist:
  • Educate managers on how to respond appropriately to different reactions
  • Group and individual sessions through your EAP, within a few days post event, allows people to share their experience, to be heard and hear others and to promote a culture of support and understanding
  • Onsite sessions help to minimise the disruption to the workplace and promote organisational sense of wellbeing
  • Educate managers and employees on how to identify changes in workplace behaviours that might signify a lack of coping in self or in other staff
  • Encourage employees to support one another throughout the working day as people resume their normal activities
  • Encourage communication between staff whilst acknowledging the difference in styles – some people want to talk, others may not 
  • Reinforce the importance of support networks outside the workplace
    Do not expect normal productivity as people process the incident and accommodate changes to workload, work routines, access to leave
  • Symbolic gestures to acknowledge the event, such as setting up a donation fund to support the victims, good to consult employees what they would like
  • Provide training/education forums around trauma to normalise experiences and highlight the availability of support structures
  • Revisit the impact three to six months after the event through training and information sessions
  • Promote physical activity and healthy eating habits in the workplace. Encourage ongoing professional assistance for those individuals in need.
Finally, as leaders our self-care is fundamental to being able to support our employees. Ask yourself what are you doing to cope? Who can support me? Am I looking after myself? Take a moment to consider how you can be at your best to support your people during these unpredictable and traumatic events.
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Information to help organisations during the cyclone crisis

At a time such as we are now experiencing, support for our clients and their employees is paramount. Over the coming days situations will change dramatically and people will feel the need for support at different times. Some may not feel the need for support at all.

We have provided the information below to assist organisations. We have also put together some information to assist your employees which you may find useful to distribute to as many people as possible. Please also remember to remind people that if they need counselling services to call 1800 818 728 where someone will be on hand to help.

Natural disasters like cyclones, disrupt lives physically and psychologically, creating intense emotional distress for individuals, families and whole communities. Organisations play a vital and valuable role in assisting and supporting their employees in the immediate aftermath and in the days, weeks and months following a disaster.

It’s important to be aware that everyone will respond differently and everyone’s needs will be different, initially and over time. Being prepared to provide initial and long term support for your employees will enhance and promote their own personal coping strategies and resilience.

  • If needed, allow additional time at home to tend to family matters.

  • Establish an open door policy that allows employees to seek the appropriate care when needed.
  • Create an environment that allows employees to talk amongst themselves about fears and hopes related to the disaster. Openly sharing with others has been known to promote personal recovery.
  • Be mindful and respectful of individual needs. Some employees may feel uncomfortable sharing their feelings. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to feel.
  • Encourage employees to communicate their needs, rather than assume you know what their needs may be.
  • Promote self-efficacy by engaging people in meeting their own needs by helping them regain their confidence and ability to manage their current and future situations.
  • Maintain communication if an employee is away from the workplace for any length of time.
  • Give employees assurance that affected families will be supported in some form or another. A disaster such as the floods has the power to entirely consume everyone involved, especially when it has an impact on one’s family.
  • If possible and when appropriate try to establish normal routines as soon as possible. This aids recovery by providing employees with an opportunity to be active and return to a sense of normalcy.
  • Provide simple and accurate information on how to access services, specifically encourage, and make it easy for, employees to speak with a professional counsellor from their Employee Assistance Program. 

How to access the Organisational Support services

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Hiding behind technology?

From time to time we all encounter situations where we dislike a person’s behaviour and we feel we need to say something, but actually having the conversation is a different story. With the integration of technology into the workplace it is much easier to avoid a potentially uncomfortable conversation by sending a quick email and ‘dealing with it later’.

Whilst these conversations are necessary the immediate impulse for many of us is to avoid, avoid, avoid. Hiding behind technology may seem like a good idea at the time but communicating with the absence of tone and body language may make the situation worse.

Once you have decided to have a courageous conversation, consider your approach. Learn more from our CEO's monthly feature article, Timing is Everything.


Here are some tips for initiating a potentially difficult conversation whether it’s face to face or over the phone:

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Emotions in the Workplace

To create a thriving workplace leaders are encouraged to focus on mental health and wellbeing and to better understand the importance of harnessing emotions in the workplace.

Emotions in the workplace and organisational culture

Today workplaces need to engage and motivate their employees by understanding what employees need from their work. We know employees want to grow, want to be valued, involved, and to feel part of the organisation. Each generation may have differing needs and not factoring in employees’ values, needs and expectations leads to strong emotions at work which can lead to decreased productivity.

Emotions and customer experience

Acknowledging the emotions and impact of a challenging customer interaction and working towards a resolution is more effective than deciding who is right or wrong. This requires a skill set involving de-escalation and staying calm. We can support you to manage angry or disgruntled customers, respond in a way that builds relationships, learn how to make customers feel heard and meet their emotional needs.

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De-escalating or diffusing a situation

Have you or your staff been in a situation where you had to manage challenging behaviours when dealing with the public? An understanding of your own response as well as some skilful moves may help to improve the outcome.

 AccessEAP’s Tailored Trainings aim to provide information and tools to assist staff to keep psychologically safe whilst working with the public.

Participants will learn to assess the level of psychological risk present in any given situation by better understanding their individual stress signature and signs of distress so as to identify what sort of action to take during an incident. They will learn techniques to de-escalate or diffuse a situation to the best of their ability, and will identify when best to walk away from a situation and seek additional support. Participants will also have an opportunity to look at ways to build resilience and manage their wellbeing generally, particularly following a confronting incident.

Please contact your Relationship Manager for more information or to book in this training.

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Let's talk to each other

With the new year upon us why not take the opportunity to get to know your peers. Welcome a new employee or get to know a person in a different department.

If you're stuck for ideas, why not try the below activity.

  • Leave "Conversation starters" in lunch/break rooms to help encourage discussion between colleagues. "My first ever job was…" "My favourite holiday destination is…"

This could be a new question each week or a once off activity to get people talking around a certain topic or time of year! Awareness days provide a great opportunity to start these kinds of conversations.

Coming up in March:

Don't forget to get creative with technology to connect those who can't be present physically.

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Tips to Keep Your Business New Year’s Resolutions on Track

Published in HASHTAG, a publication on 19th Dec, 2018

The answer lies in effective goal setting says Marcela Slepica, Clinical Director of AccessEAP. It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of setting a new goal, without thinking about the big picture. While having a common goal is great for team morale and motivating employees, the goals you set need to be realistic and in line with your organisation’s vision and values.

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Tips to Keep Your Business New Year’s Resolutions on Track

The start of a new year is a great opportunity to take a fresh look at the goals you’d like to set for the next 12 months. For businesses this could range from financial growth to improved staff retention, or new service and product offerings. However, with only 8% [1] of people achieving their New Year’s resolutions, how can management and HR professionals hope to inspire entire teams to find year-long success?

The answer lies in effective goal setting says our Clinical Director, Marcela Slepica “It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of setting a new goal, without thinking about the big picture. While having a common goal is great for team morale and motivating employees, the goals you set need to be realistic and in line with your organisation’s vision and values.”

Here Marcela gives more details on some of the tips we use to help organisations reach their goals.

S.M.A.R.T Goals

Organisational goals are like personal goals in that they provide structure to help us move in the direction we want to take. Within organisations, it can be easy to come up with ‘big picture’ ideas or strategic direction, however setting goals can be more challenging. The S.M.A.R.T. model is a great way of keeping your goals on track and giving them the best possible chance of success.

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AccessEAP acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the First Peoples of the lands we live and work on throughout Australia. We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community as we pay our respects to the Elders past, present and future. We extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who connect with this website.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are advised that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have since passed away.


AccessEAP acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the First Peoples of the lands we live and work on throughout Australia. We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community as we pay our respects to the Elders past, present and future. We extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who connect with this website.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are advised that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have since passed away.