Become an AccessEAP Ambassador this October

Join our AccessEAP Ambassador® Program.

Find out more information here.

Are you:

- Approachable - Empathetic - Reliable - Respectful of confidentiality - A believer in the power of peer support?

Do you:

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Mental Health - Share the Journey

September was a very busy time for us here at AccessEAP with everyone getting involved in R U OK? Day. We were very excited to partner with many organisations to run training sessions, toolbox talks and webinars. R U OK? Day may be over for another year but the message and purpose of the foundation continues. With World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October and each state dedicating a week or a whole month to Mental Health Awareness, now is the perfect opportunity to keep the conversation going. We are passionate about breaking down the stigma around Mental Health, encouraging and supporting people to ask for help. Connecting with colleagues and checking in on them is an important part of Mental Health Awareness and links with this year’s theme for Mental Health Month, “Share the Journey”.

The research continually tells us that asking for help can be a powerful tool in keeping ourselves mentally healthy. It also means that the people in our lives will trust us more to ask for help when they need it. Asking and receiving help is a way to ensure that we all share the journey together. “Share the Journey” is an effective message around mental health but it can be hard to put strategies into place on a day to day level. It can be helpful to think about ways to deepen your own social connections to avoid isolation, increase your leisure time and find inexpensive and sustainable ways to reduce stress. Walking, particularly in open spaces and/or where you can appreciate nature is about the cheapest way I know but this is personal and you need to find what works for you.

At AccessEAP, we have had our own journey to make sure that our people are healthy and their wellbeing is in our focus. Last year we invited employees from different teams to volunteer as our own Wellbeing Champions. This allowed our employees to be involved, to contribute and engage in our wellbeing initiatives. One of our recent themes focused on Self Care. The Wellbeing Champions invited each employee to think about their self care strategies which were then shared with all employees. It was a great initiative with lots of engagement. An effective strategy highlighted from the initiative was the importance of being able to ask someone for help. We were challenged to “put as much energy into caring for ourselves as we do into caring for others.” For some, this was the difficult part. As an organisation, we learnt the most important part of the challenge was for us to individually do something and form a new habit, rather than just thinking or talking about it. Many organisations have their own AccessEAP Ambassadors whose role is to check in and encourage teams to look after themselves as well as working passionately to reduce stigma and ask for help.

I encourage you to invite a friend, colleague, team to come along with you this month and participate in whatever activities you do. It can be simple such as walking together at lunchtime, sharing a healthy lunch, becoming an EAP Ambassador, getting a meditation group together or a Friday afternoon gathering in the kitchen to celebrate the end of another great week. Whatever activity you choose, the research tells us that if it something that you enjoy, it will go a long way to improving your mental health.

We are very happy to discuss with you further about our own Ambassador program and the way that we can help you put your People in Focus.

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This simple life change will make you more productive at work

Published in Lifestyle 9th August, 2019.

“We’ve become an ‘always-on’ society and while it may seem like a win for businesses, what they gain in hours is lost in efficiency,” says Marcela Slepica, Clinical Director at AccessEAP.

“Keeping our phones and laptops within arm’s reach at all times to work at any given time has a significant impact on our mental and physical health. In this fast-paced environment, something has to give, and for many it’s sleep. We are in a dangerous cycle of not getting all of the work done because we’re sleep deprived, and not sleeping because we’re not getting all of the work done,” Marcela tells.

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Mental Health Month October 2019


The only way to truly reduce the stigma associated with Mental Health symptoms is through education.

During Mental Health Month this October, AccessEAP would like to partner with you to put your People in Focus and ensure we connect with as many people as possible. We have developed a variety of options to spread Mental Health Awareness and reduce the stigma associated with Mental Health.

 To book in any of these options contact your Relationship Manager today.
Mental Health Awareness
  • 1 hr Standard Training Session - Download Training Outline
  • 2 hr Manager Session - Download Training Outline
  • Ask your Relationship Manager for a quote.
  • Signed quotes must be received two weeks from your delivery date, so we can coordinate resources, and allow you time to communicate and promote the training. 
Stress Awareness and Building Resilience
  • 1.5 hr Training Session - Download Training Outline
  • Ask your Relationship Manager for a quote.
  • Signed quotes must be received two weeks from your delivery date, so we can coordinate resources, and allow you time to communicate and promote the training. 
Introduction to Mindfulness
  • 1 hr Training Session - Download Training Outline
  • Ask your Relationship Manager for a quote.
  • Signed quotes must be received two weeks from your delivery date, so we can coordinate resources, and allow you time to communicate and promote the training. 

Mental Health Awareness
  • 30 mins Webinar - Download Webinar Outline
  • Running at 11am on Thursday the 10th of October.
  • This can be purchased for only $300 + GST or 2 hours from your pre-purchased allotment, for unlimited employee attendance.

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Ask "R U OK?" on September 12th

Published in Safety Solutions 3rd September, 2019.

Ahead of R U OK? Day on 12 September, we at AccessEAP are advising workplaces to focus on mental health issues, to normalise and have meaningful conversations to try to identify, help and avoid potential incidences of suicide. And while the day marks the starting point of communication within the workplace, it’s imperative to consider that a long-term commitment to suicide prevention is vital and should be instilled within every workplace.

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Clinician - Sydney based

  • Leading Employee Assistance Program provider
  • Relationship development focus
  • Let your passion and commitment shine

At AccessEAP our mission is to create thriving workplaces. We partner with each customer to promote, positive organizational behaviour, enhance employee well-being, improve workplace productivityand effectively manage the mental health of every employee. As an Australian owned not for profit Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider, our emphasis is on understanding the unique needs of our customers and tailoring our services to support and prevent mental health issues in the workplace. Due to continued growth we are expanding the clinical services team and need a passionate and committed professional to help ensure the provision of best practice counseling and ancillary services that meet or exceed customer and client expectations.

Your role will be to develop strong relationships with key customers to understand their needs and work on tailored solutions to solve specific or complex people issues.  You will provide a range of clinical services including: Face to Face, telephone and emergency counseling, mediation, manager support, critical incident response, EAP briefings and webinars. Additionally you will provide key operational management support to the Director Clinical Services, Clinical Services Manager and work with the broader AccessEAP team to build relationships and provide quality services such as consulting, coaching, reflective supervision and training.

With a degree in Psychology or Social Work and professionally registered your track record of success will reflect your impartial and insightful thinking capabilities.  You will be adept at engaging with a broad range of people, comfortable working autonomously, and respond well under pressure to balance multiple priorities.

Your key skills will include your rapport building, analysis, judgment and outstanding interpersonal skills. Most importantly you will enjoy working in a team environment that is driven by respect, collaboration and accomplishment. AccessEAP take the health of employees seriously and you will be working in an environment that genuinely cares about the wellbeing of all employees.

For more information call David Williams on 0414 551 795 or to apply send your resume to

New EAP Industry Study

The purpose of the survey is to identify how the health and safety of people at work may be improved.

At AccessEAP, we are excited to be a part of and contribute to this Australian first. So, what does this mean for your organisation? Your employees who book in for counselling will be offered the opportunity to be a part of this study. Participation is entirely voluntary and optional and will be conducted by the University of South Australia, a respected and impartial research institution. The link to the study will remain open for the month of September. Participants can opt out at any time. 

The survey is designed to take five minutes and will include a follow up survey 4 weeks later. Data will be handled by UniSA in accordance with their strict data protection policies. All answers will remain anonymous and confidential to the researcher and no identifying information of any individual will be released.

If you have any further questions, please contact us on 1800 818 728.

3 Things to do on R U OK? Day - Talk, Talk, Talk

When I started as CEO at AccessEAP about eight years ago, I would not have imagined that I would be talking about suicide prevention. Talking about my feelings, especially my feelings at work was something I was not entirely comfortable with. It made me feel vulnerable. Today I am passionate about the work that we do at AccessEAP. We talk about mental health and we encourage and support others to talk about mental health and suicide prevention. September 12th is an important day for us at AccessEAP. R U OK? Day is a theme we are passionate about and one of the busiest days in our Wellbeing Calendar. It is also closely aligned with our vision for all workplaces to have mentally healthy employees.

The "R U OK" Foundation aims to raise awareness and prevent suicide. Suicide in Australia is growing year on year, with a 9.1 per cent increase from 2017 to 2018 and has become the leading cause of death among people 15 – 44 years[1]. Mental health issues are one of several causes that contribute to this worrying trend, with depression present in 43 per cent of suicides between 2017 and 2018[1]. We are seeing an increase in organisations requesting support for their employees following the loss of an employee to suicide. The impact of suicide on families, friends, peers, colleagues is devastating and immeasurable, making it vital that we all become involved.

Throughout an adult's life, they will spend up to 4,821 days at work. This suggests that workplaces can and need to play a role in suicide prevention. Through our work at AccessEAP, and my own experience, I know that talking about mental health and suicide is challenging and confronting. People may feel helpless and unsure of what to say. People may experience anxiety about how people may respond if they ask, "R U OK?". What if they are not ok, what will I say or do? It is normal to feel anxious and to avoid asking or talking about mental health. Some of our organisations ask us to come to their workplaces but request that we don't talk about suicide, to soften our language because they are concerned about how their employees may react. I understand it can be confronting or challenging, I and the team at AccessEAP are committed to talking about mental health and suicide and to help others learn how to have those conversations. It is important to talk about mental health, to break down the stigma, to tackle the barriers which prevent people asking for help if we are to make a difference to the lives of people with who we work.

R U OK? Day creates an opportunity for managers and HR leaders to start a dialogue with their staff about mental health, to create an environment of acceptance and to normalise asking for help. Managers can play a vital role in the culture of their workplaces. The easiest way is through talking and encouraging others to talk, especially about uncomfortable topics such as mental health. Leaders can empower their employees and facilitate a culture where it is normal to talk about anxiety and depression. They can learn the steps or the skills on how to ask those who may be struggling and can provide helpful information and the support structures which employees may need. For tips on how to have a conversation on R U OK? Day, see our latest newsletter article, Time to Connect.

I could talk about a business case for creating mentally healthy workplaces, instead, I will encourage you to have a conversation about asking R U OK?

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White Ribbon Accreditation - On Our Journey

AccessEAP continue to be White Ribbon approved trainers and are in the process of the White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation Program. The Workplace Accreditation Program recognises workplaces that refine workplace practices to prevent and respond to violence against women, accrediting them as a White Ribbon Workplace. The initiative is globally recognised and award winning. The Workplace Accreditation Program supports workplaces to meet 15 criteria under three standards, adapting organisational culture, policies and procedures to create a safer, supportive and more respectful workplace.

AccessEAP provides White Ribbon approved training programs and trainers to assist organisations in their commitment to support the victims of domestic violence in the workplace. This training may form part of your DV Plan or may be part of your White Ribbon accreditation process. AccessEAP supports companies in educating employees as part of creating a domestic violence action plan based around three elements; Recognise, Respond, Refer. The training includes raising awareness and understanding and challenging stereotypes.

In addition to White Ribbon Approved training AccessEAP also run trainings for Domestic and Family Violence Awareness and our recently developed, Sexual Harassment training.

Domestic and Family Violence Awareness - This training provides the latest information around Violence against Women (VAW). Participants will gain a much greater insight into what women and children go through when exposed to domestic violence and learn how to look for the signs that a fellow colleague is struggling with this issue as well as a best practice approach to recognise, respond and refer them for help and support.

Sexual Harassment - This training explains what sexual harassment is and what it is not, an overview of the laws designed to prevent sexual harassment at work and practical case studies illustrating what sexual harassment is and the consequences of this behaviour for employers and individual employees.

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Time to Connect

You don’t have to be an expert to support someone going through a tough time. You just need to be able to listen to their concerns without judgment and take the time to follow up with them.

10 Tips on How to Have a Conversation on R U OK? Day

1. Know your colleagues

Relationship building is very important when it comes to mental health in the workplace. You will need to feel comfortable to approach a colleague that you may be concerned about. Also in order to pick up that someone is behaving out of character you will need to know how they usually behave.

2. Approach the person

It may be difficult to do, feeling a little anxious about approaching a colleague to ask them if they are OK is normal, it is necessary that we do it none the less. Think about whether you are the right person to approach your colleague, and if for any reason you think you may not be the best person, employ the appropriate person to approach your colleague you are concerned about. Make sure this is done with discretion and confidentially.

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It's Here! Women's Health Week 2019

Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week is a week dedicated to all women across Australia to make good health a priority. The two biggest barriers for women not maintaining a healthy lifestyle is ‘lack of time’ and ‘health not being a priority’. Women’s Health Week is the time to do something for your health and start making positive changes that can last a lifetime! Click the below calendar for the more information about the daily activities.

With so many competing demands and expectations, the struggle to keep up with both work and home commitments can be extremely stressful. When stress persists to a point that a person feels they aren’t coping, it can affect the functioning of their day-to-day life as well as their overall wellbeing. The stressors of too much ‘juggling’ together with trying to do things well and be ‘good’ at everything is impacting on women and their ability to sleep, think clearly and make decisions.

For more information about Women's Health and Wellbeing contact your Relationship Manager who can go through our Women's Wellbeing Training and Webinar options.


R U OK? Day: How can HR prepare?

Published in Human Resources Director 22nd August, 2019.

Over the course of an adult’s life, they will spend up to 4,821 days at work.

This creates an opportunity for managers and HR leaders to start a dialogue with their staff, according to Marcela Slepica, Clinical Director at AccessEAP.

Employees may be struggling to cope and employers can play a role in creating an environment of acceptance and to normalise asking for help. “Managers can ensure they are providing helpful information and the support structures which employees may need.”

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Support Act’s Wellbeing Helpline marks first anniversary

Published in The Music Network 6th August, 2019.

Support Act Ltd’s Wellbeing Helpline celebrates its first year of operation – and with some encouraging statistics. The free, confidential phone counselling service has been used by 150 artists, road crew and music workers from all genres to talk about any aspect of their mental health or wellbeing.

“We are very happy with the take up rate, and the feedback from service users has been extremely positive,” said Clive Miller, Sydney-based CEO of Support Act. “Having a dedicated helpline that is staffed by friendly, qualified clinicians who understand the challenges of working in the music industry can be an enormous help to someone who is struggling with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, addiction, suicidal feelings; or issues which can be mental health related such as loneliness, relationship breakdown, financial worries, illness and workplace conflict.”

The Helpline is implemented by AccessEAP.

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Defusing challenging behaviours in the education industry

Published in the Education Review 1st August, 2019.

Educators play a vital role in the community and we collectively need to support them so they can do their job. Learning the skills to respond to emotionally charged situations is crucial for today’s teachers. To tackle this, AccessEAP has designed training programs for frontline employees who may face situations where they could potentially be at risk of physical or psychological harm, to learn skills to know how to respond. 

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Our Continued Support of the H.O.P.E. Program

H.O.P.E. continues to be the main recipient of our charitable funding for vulnerable families and children. At AccessEAP we are very proud of the donation of more than $500,000 for HOPE and programs to support vulnerable families, which was announced last month. Our contribution has been able to grow substantially each year and AccessEAP would like to recognise the support of our customers in making this donation. Through partnering with AccessEAP, you not only support your employees’ wellbeing but you also directly contribute to our chosen welfare programs in Australia.


We are pleased and proud to report that over the past 12 months the H.O.P.E. Program continued to exceed targets and these are very special targets because they are about helping more mums and bubs. 



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Boost Your Creativity

Idle scribbling is just one way that creativity can help boost workplace performance. Encouraging creativity has a number of beneficial effects that can drive positive change in workplaces. For example, a simple exercise like thinking of different uses for an object, can encourage a mindset that will help you to think of new ways to approach and improve processes and outdated practices. Moving from ‘this is how it’s always been’, to ‘this is how it could be better’.”

Scribbling, doodling and colouring focuses the mind without being cognitively taxing, which allows the brain to be present and in the now. This gives our brains a break, as when our thoughts are racing, or we’re given to much stimulus to process, we may struggle to think clearly and absorb information. As such, mindful doodling can help with concentration, decision making and overall mental health.

Another way to boost creativity is with writing. Check out the Forbes' article How To Write Your Way To Wellbeing. Which explains the below three ways you can use writing to increase your wellbeing.

  1. Write morning pages
  2. Tap into your artist's brain
  3. Always carry around a notebook and pen

Mental Health Awareness - October 2019

The theme for this year's Mental Health Month is Share the Journey. Share the Journey means – telling your friends and family when things are a bit tough – finding others who have been through something similar – connecting with your community – finding a health professional you trust – connecting on social media – giving your pet a cuddle – organisations working together for the best possible wellbeing of everyone – sharing your stories with others – creating a sense of security within families and communities – reaching out to someone who might need your help - decreasing the isolation people feel when things aren’t great.
This awareness month encourages all of us to think about our mental health and wellbeing, regardless of whether we may have a lived experience of mental illness or not. This month also gives us the opportunity to understand the importance of mental health in our everyday lives and encourages help seeking behaviours when needed.
Depending on your location Mental Health Awareness may be marked by a day, week or month.
Mental Health Day,10th October is also a worthwhile day to recognise within Mental Health Month. Some great resources including the Promise Wall can be found at
Australian Capital Territory October:
Western Australia 6-12th October
For more information on Mental Health Month or to arrange a Mental Health Awareness Training, please speak to your Relationship Manager.

Get moving this August

This August, Guide Dogs Australia is challenging you and your dog to walk 30 minutes a day for 30 days (that’s roughly 2km every day!), which is no small feat in winter weather! For more information visit the Guide Dogs Australia website.

If dog walking is not for you, there are so many ways to get active and boost your health this August with get healthy!!

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Ride a bike instead of taking the bus.
  • Sit less - walk & talk while you’re on the phone.
  • Think of ways you can slip incidental exercises into your day!

For even more tips on boosting your health, see our latest post, 7 tips- A Healthy Body Boosts a Healthy Mind.

Tips for Dealing with Worry and Anxiety

Watch your thinking

Beware of “What ifs” and a tendency to assume the worst in your mind. This is called catastrophic thinking.

For example, a simple negative comment about one aspect of your work could trigger.. “What if my manager is not happy with me… I am performance managed…. I lose my job… I can’t pay the mortgage….” This leads to a lot of unnecessary fear and anxiety.

Watch your body

Anxiety tends to impact everyone’s body differently. Do you get an upset stomach, a tense neck? Other signs of stress and anxiety?

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Decluttering: A Mindful Moment or Wellness Fad?

For me wellness means doings things that promote health and contentment and help me to manage stress, such as spending quality time on the golf course or taking a yoga class. As well as these activities, I’m aware that there is an overwhelming amount of wellness options that may be beneficial to me, however, it is becoming harder to distinguish which practices will increase my wellbeing and which are just passing fads.

Right now, one of the hot topics in wellness practice is de-cluttering, popularised by Oprah Winfrey's introduction of Australian, Peter Walsh to the world and more recently Marie Kondo. We are witness to people describing how tidying their homes, has changed their lives. This does make me question, is decluttering actually good for our health?

There is some evidence that clutter in the home is detrimental for our physical and mental health. In particular, clutter has been linked to stress which in turn can have many other health impacts. It certainly can be stressful if you can’t locate your laptop, due to clutter, and your meeting starts in an hour. Clutter has also been found to drain our cognitive resources due to visual distraction, to impact our food choices, and to be associated with sleep disturbance.

Decluttering is most useful if it is a problem for you and leads you to feel uncomfortable and chaotic. If it does make you feel this way, it may be a symptom of other things going on in your life. It’s important to uncover and address these. Depression can lead to a lack of motivation to “tidy up” and a sense of not caring about yourself or your environment, grief can result in holding on to things for sentimental value or for fear of what “moving on” may entail.

If decluttering resonates with you, where should you start? With the overwhelming nature of the task, it helps to set small achievable goals. Setting out to tidy your entire home all at once may be unrealistic and feel overwhelming. Successfully tidying a small section of a room will help increase your self-efficacy and promote future success.

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AccessEAP acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the First Peoples of the lands we live and work on throughout Australia. We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community as we pay our respects to the Elders past, present and future. We extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who connect with this website.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are advised that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have since passed away.


AccessEAP acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the First Peoples of the lands we live and work on throughout Australia. We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community as we pay our respects to the Elders past, present and future. We extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who connect with this website.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are advised that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have since passed away.