
Friday 24th July 2020 is Stress Down Day, a fun and easy initiative designed to reduce stress and raise vital funds for Lifeline Australia. Stress Down Day promotes happiness, encourages help seeking and raises awareness of suicide prevention through raising funds for Lifeline's crisis support services. For more information, check out the Lifeline Website.

Self-care and managing stress during the COVID-19 pandemic

It is important to remember that feeling anxious, fearful, stressed, angry or irritable are common and normal feelings during uncertain times like these. It is important to monitor your own physical and mental health, watch for signs which include: 
  • Heightened anxiety and/or fear
  • Increased irritability and outbursts of anger and arguments
  • Difficulty in sleeping and relaxing
  • Worrying excessively
  • Increase in use of alcohol or drugs
  • Having difficulty in communicating or listening
  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach pains
  • Feeling depressed or guilty
  • Denying feelings or saying you don’t care
  • Confused, difficulty making decisions.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, focus on looking after yourself with these self-care strategies:

  1. Focus on personal hygiene habits
  2. Keep things in perspective
  3. Identify what you can control
  4. Focus on the people around you
  5. Take breaks to enjoy activities
  6. Eat healthily
  7. Make time to do things that help you relax
  8. Talk about your feelings
  9. Talk about other topics with friends
  10. Find ways to help others.

For more information or to arrange an appointment, please contact us on 1800 818 728.